For a concrete idea of the difference your gift can make, consider:
Support Maternal and Infant Wellness: Your $44 can fund one visit of an in-home family educator to a local mother and child.
Keep the Lights On: Your $250 can pay one month’s electric bill for our facilities.
One day of Afterschool: Your $300 can cover approximately one day’s operating expenses for the Afterschool program.
Be an ABLE Families Empowerer: Your $900 will pay all operating expenses (salaries, utilities, program expenses, and everything else) for the entire agency for 1 day.
Help Us Teach Good Nutrition: Your $5000 will fund the next 7-week Supper in a Sack program.
Make a Summer Wonderful: Your $24,000 will fund our entire summer camp program for 2021
Make your check payable to ABLE Families, Inc. and send it to: